Library - Pamphlets
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
9 Days in May (Produced by the staff of the the Oleo Strut)
To American GIs in Germany (RITA - ACT)
Attention GIs Under Attack (GI-CAP)
Black Panther Party Speakers (Rita Bulletin no. 46)
Camp LeJeune Marines Say: We've Had Enough
Come To A GI - Civilian Picnic (Riverside)
Coming Events at the Oleo Strut (Produced by the staff of the the Oleo Strut)
Counter Armed Forces Day Rally (Fort Carson)
Don't Let The Pentagon Court-Martial the First Amendment
Don't Scab (ASU)
GI-Civilian Easter Peace March
The GI Movement Past and Present (YSA)
GIs for the War/Against the War (Rita Bulletin no. 45)
GIs Say: Bring the Troops Home, Send Hope Back Over! (ASU)
Hell No Don't Go (ASU)
Join the GI Movement (Produced by the staff of the Oleo Strut
March Against the War (Fort Hood United Front)
No Business as Usual (ASU)
Proposal for Concrete Support of the GI Movement (Produced by the staff of the Oleo Strut)
Reservists and National Guardsmen Say 'No' to the War. (Petition)
San Francisco Chronicle War Protest Issue
Stop It (New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam)
Stop The War/Free The Camp McCoy 3
Stop the War Machine (Great Lakes MDM)
Support the GI Movement (Great Lakes MDM)
Petition to the Congress of the United States (Fort Hood)
Petition to Free Harvey and Priest (Fort Hood)
Pamphlets and Publications
American Deserters Committee Newsletter
American Servicemen Have Rights. Do You Know Yours?
An Exciting Career Awaits You in the GI Movement
Articles on the GI Movement from the Black Panther Party Newspaper
Concerned Officers Movement Newsletter
Do GIs Have Rights? The Case of Lt. Howe
Fall In At Ease (Special Issues)
Free Speech for GIs - The Case of Howard Petrick
GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee
GI News and Discussion Bulletin
GI Revolts (Richard Boyle, 1972) - This is a PDF file
Steve Gilbert - Soldier in the Freedom Army
Great Lakes Movement for a Democratic Military
Help Us to Organize for Justice
History of the Fort Knox GI Movement
The Pacific Counseling Service
The Pentagon GI Coffeehouse Newsletter
Repression and the GI Movement
Strategy and Tactics for GI Organizing
Support Our Soldiers (Fort Bragg)
Support Our Soldiers (Fort Hood)