Library - Pamphlets
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
An Appeal By G.I.'s of Fort Dix.
Antiwar G.I. Harassment At Ft. Jackson.
Anti-War GI Receives Honorable Discharge.
Anti-War GIs from National Clearing House to Coordinating Activities.
Army Moves on GI Coffee House.
Army Sentences Bill Brakefield.
Attack on A.S.U. Navy Brass Charges Sailor With Subversion.
ASU Member Shag Haied to Vietnam.
Because I Refused to Kill I Was in the Long Binh Stockade.
Black Marines Appeal Harsh SentencesFor Speaking Out Against War.
Brass Bans Paper -- GIs Seek Injunction.
Brass Force Black G.I. To Vietnam.
Charges Dropped Against Army Newscaster.
First Army Chief Admits he Transferred Antiwar GI for his Political Beliefs.
Ft. Hood Three on Speaking Tour.
Four Anti-War G.I.'s Thrown into Ft. Jackson Stockade.
Four GIs Face Jail for Initiating War Crimes Investigation.
G.I. To Continue Anti-War Struggle After Discharge.
GI Conference November 13 to Put Brass on Trial.
G.I. Sentenced for Distribution of Anti-War Leaflets.
GI's Arrested in Augusta, Georgia.
G.I.'s United Leader Acquitted of Two Charges.
Hundreds Protest Dix Court Martials.
Movement for a Democratic Military.
No to Riot Control. GI Gets Two Years Hard Labor.
Political Prisoner at Fort Hood.
Politics are Off Limits For Fort Lewis .
Revolutionary GI Charged With Desertion.
Soldiers Suit Against Army Heard in Federal Court.
Support Our Bros. In the Pound.