Library - Subjects
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Bloods, Panthers and PoweR - Articles in GI Press Libraries
Black Panther Party
- Brothers Wake Up (GI Organizer, no. 2)
- MDM Open House (Attitude Check, vol. 2, no. 2)
- What We Are After (A'Bout Face, vol. 2, no. 1)
- Why We Went to Frankfurt (A'Bout Face, vol. 2, no. 1)
Black Power
- Black Power in the Military (Ultimate Weapon, no. 9)
Black Unity Bands.
- Brig Pigs Gig (All Ready on the Left, no. 2)
- Cliff on Trial (All Ready on the Left, no. 2)
- Flash!!! (All Ready on the Left, no. 2)
- We Want All Black Men to be Exempt From Military Service (Black Unity, no. 1)
Clenched Fist Salute
- Brothers Wake Up (GI Organizer, no. 2)
- Black Power in the Military (Ultimate Weapon, no. 9)
- Brothers Wake Up (GI Organizer, no. 2)
- Dapping (SOS News, July 1972)
Race and Racism
- The Birth of the Black Brigade (Bragg Briefs, vol. 2, no. 5)
- Brothers Revolt (Up Against the Bulkhead, vol. 2, no. 10)
- The Call (A Four Year Bummer, vol. 2, no. 6 )
- This is the Birth of ASH. (Ash, no issue number)
- Black Unity Band (Black Unity, no. 1)
- Black and White EM Getting Together in Germany (Camp News, vol. 1, no. 7)
- Brothers and Sisters (The Bond, pamphlet 1968)
- Fall In At Ease Special Issue: Chibario
- Fall In At Ease Special Issue: Racism in the Military
- Fort Jackson GIs Harassed for Listening to Malcolm X (The Bond, vol. 3, no. 2)
- From a Black Brother. All power to the people. Dig man. (Pay Back, no. 1)
- Ft. Jackson GIs Petition Against War and Racism (The Bond, vol. 3, no. 3)
- Freedom vs. Bullshit (Aerospaced, no. 1)
- How Come! and Why? (A'bout Face no. 1)
- Interview With Vietnam Vet, Why I Joined the Anti-War Movement (Vietnam GI, June 1970)
- It is the Policy of this Paper to Expose the Racist-Military Clique for What They Are. (A'bout Face no. 6)
- Open Letter From a Black G.I. (Black Panther Paper, May 25, 1969)
- Miltary Justice (A'bout Face, no. 6)
- My Brothers in the Military (A'bout Face no. 1)
- Outbreaks by Black GIs at Ft. Campbell (The Bond, vol. 2, no. 4)
- Racism and Third World Struggles (GI News and Discussion Bulletin: Conference '71)
- Racism in the Military (Out Now, vol. 1, no. 4)
- The reason MDM separated (Black Unity, no. 1)
- There's Some New Action in the New Action Army (AWOL, vol. 1, no. 1)
- Statement of Black GI at Hood (The Bond, vol. 2, no. 9)
- Unity (Black Unity, no. 1)
- War In The States (Vietnam GI, April 1968)
- What We Are After (A'Bout Face, vol. 2, no. 1)
Unsatisfied Black Soldiers
- Blueprint for Revolution (A'bout Face no. 1)