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Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
MDM Open House
On Sunday, March 22nd, actress Jane Fonda and Robert Bryan of the Black Panther Party, came to the M.D.M. open house at 519 5. Freeman St. to speak to the brothers and sisters of the military and community.
Jane Fonda, who is a tremendous person and. truly the peoples friend, talked about her recent arrest at fascist Fort Lewis and. how barbaric the M.P.'s treated her and her party. The amazing thing about this was how she realized she was not free, though an actress with lots of money, and how she found. out who the real enemy of the people is.Miss Fonda went to Fort Lewis in defense of the servicemen in their fight against their oppressions. When she arrived, the brass had. restricted. almost everyone to their barracks. She was not ready to give up. She went to barracks windows and. talked to the G.I.'s. Eventually the M.P.s ripped off her and her party and they were taken to the P.M.O.'s. She was banned from Fort Lewis and a number of other military installations in the United States for her, supposedly subversive, actions there. That night, more G.I.'s than ever before, showed. up at the coffee house in Tacoma, Washington to rap with her.
She is planning to make a tour of the country and visit as many military installations as she possibly can. She is truly the peoples friend and. she is 100% for the M.D.M. and all military organizations like the M.D.M.
Robert Bryan and. Paul Redd. are two of the L.A. 18 who were ripped off by the pig and thrown in jail. Being true revolutionaries, they still kept up the fight against U.S. Imperialism and. the fascist pigs who run our country.
He stressed. the point that we are all brothers fighting for the same cause. There is no such thing as Black Power, White Power, or Brown Power. It is People Power. Because that is what we all are.
He told of the murder of Brother Fred. Hampton and bow it could happen to any one of us. He told. of bow they are trying to murder Chairman Bobby Seale in the electric chair for a murder be didn't commit, because he is a leading figure in the Black Panther Party.
The Black Panther Party is the Vanguard. of the revolution.
He gave a great rap on organizing the military brothers and how the only way to stop Amerika from being policeman of the world is by refusing to fight for the man on Wall Street.
The Black Panthers are beautiful people, as those who heard Robert speak have sound out. He impressed all the brothers and sisters deeply.
After each speaker, there was a general rap session in which everyone had. a chance to peak.
The meeting then adjourned. to the backyard. where we broke up into two groups. One with Jane, the other with Robert and. Paul. At this time, the people had a chance to wrap in more detail with our guests.
The meeting was big success, drawing many servicemen and people from the community. Everyone had a good time and. a lot was learned.
We of M.D,M, would like to thank Miss Jane Fonda, Robert Bryan, and Paul Redd for taking time out of their busy schedules to come down and rap with us.
Attitude Check, vol. 2, no. 2