Riots and Rebellions
[Protests and Demonstrations] [Combat Refusal and Refusal of Orders] [AWOL and Desertion]
[Papers, Coffeehouses and Organizations] [Riots and Rebellions ] [Harassment and Repression]
May 13
- Fort Carson - On-base riot .
July 15
- Fort Dix - Stockade rebellion.
October 3
- Fort Hood - On-base riot.
March 6
- Fort Benning - On-base riot.
April 11 - 12
- Fort Campbell - On-base riot.
June 14
- Fort Jackson - Stockade rebellion.
- Long Kanh Province, South Vietnam - Reported fragging.
July 4
- The Presidio - Stockade rebellion.
July 23
- Fort Bragg - Stockade rebellion.
August 16
- DaNang Brig, South Vietnam - Stockade rebellion.
August 18 - 19
- DaNang Brig, South Vietnam - Stockade rebellion.
August 29 - 30
- Long Binh Jail, South Vietnam - Stockade rebellion.
- Vietnam GI reports that someone cut safety wires and backed off several nuts on one of the hot dog General’s choppers. “Fortunately” , the crew chief discovered “the problem” before the General took off.
- Fort Dix - Stockade rebellion.
- Long Binh Jail, South Vietnam - Stockade rebellion.
- Fort Ord - Stockade rebellion.
- Camp Crockett - On-base riot.
November 7
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
January 6
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
January 28
- South Vietnam (base unknown) - Reported on-base riot.
February 2
- Fort Hood - Stockade rebellion.
February 23
- Duc Hoa, South Vietnam - Reported fragging.
- Fort Bliss - On-base riot.
April 19
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
May 7
- Fort Ord - Stockade sit-in.
May 13
- Fort Carson - Stockade rebellion.
May 20
- Fort Ord - Stockade - mill-in/mess hall boycott.
May 24
- South Vietnam - $10,000 reward offered by the survivors of Hamburger Hill for the successful fragging of their commanding officer Lt. Col. Weldon Honeycutt.
- Fort Leonard Wood - Stockade rebellion.
June 5
- Fort Dix - Stockade rebellion.
June 14
- Fort Jackson - Stockade rebellion.
June 22
- Fort Riley - Stockade rebellion.
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
July 11
- Camp Lejeune - On-base riot.
July 20
- Camp Lejeune - On-base riot.
July 21
- Memphis NAS - On-base riot.
- Fort Riley - Stockade rebellion.
August 11
- Fort Bragg - On-base riot.
August 17
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
September 8
- Fort Lewis Stockade - Sit-down strike.
September 14
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
November 5
- Fort Dix SPD - Mes-hall boycott.
November 13
- Fort Knox - Sick-call.
December 12
- Fort Riley - Stockade rebellion.
- Fort Carson - Sick-call.
January 28
- Great Lakes Naval Training Center - On-base riot.
March 2
- Mannheim Brig - Stockade rebellion.
March 13
- Mannheim Brig - Stockade rebellion.
- Stanford University - ROTC building damaged by fire.
- Fort Polk - Stockade rebellion.
April 9
- Berkeley - Anti-ROTC demonstration turns into riot.
April 15
- Fort Carson - Sick call.
- Fort Dix SPD - Sick call.
- Fort Lewis - Messhall boycott.
- Fort McLellan - Messhall boycott.
- Fort McClellan - Sick call.
May 20
- Camp Humphries, South Korea - Attempted fragging. An American guard and three South Koreans were injured, helicopter badly damaged.
May 26
- USS Richard B. Anderson - Sabotage.
May 30
- Ponchon, South Korea - On-base riot.
- Mannheim - On-base riot
- MCRD San Diego - On-base riot.
- Oakland - Attempted fragging.
July 4
- Iwakuni MCAS - Stockade rebellion.
July 24
- Camp Pendelton - Armory broken into, 9 M-16s, grenade launcher and .45 pistol stolen.
July 25
- Camp McCoy - Western Electric transformer and the central telephone exchange bombed.
July 26
- Fort Hood - Stockade rebellion.
July 27
- Fort Scott - Outdoor model of a Niki Ajax Missile destroyed in an explosion.
- Mannheim Stockade - Stockade rebellion.
- North Beach - Bomb thrown at North Beach MP Station.
July 27
- Fort Dix - Stockade rebellion.
July 30
- Fort Carson - On-base riot.
August 6
- Fort Monmouth - Sabotage.
August 12
- Camp Pendelton SPD - On-base riot.
August 12 - 13
- Fort Ord - Stockade rebellion.
August 17
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Stockade rebellion.
August 20
- Berlin - Black GIs riot.
September 12
- Chanute AFB - On-base riot.
September 16
- Chanute AFB - Messhall boycott.
September 26
- Fort Carson - Stockade rebellion.
- Alameda NAS - On-base strike.
- Fort Benning - Stockade rebellion.
- USS Deeley - Sabotage.
October 27
- USS Ingram - Sabotage.
November 10
- Iwakuni MCAS - On-base riot.
- Kadena AFB - On-base riot.
December 20
- Fort Hood - Stockade rebellion.
March 15
- Bien Hoa, South Vietnam - Fragging, 3 officers killed, 1 wounded.
May 11
- Fort Ord Stockade - Sit-down strike.
May 17
- Fort Meade - On-baseriot.
May 22 - 25
- Travis AFB - As a result of racial discrimination and broad anti war sentiment, airmen wage a 3 day uprising . Fighting off MPs and local police reinforcements, they effectively shut down operations at the base.
June 27
- Fort Ord - In an effort to liberalize it’s public image, the Army sponsors a rock concert on base. The event turns into a major rebellion with thousands of GIs fighting MPs, trashing a Greyhound bus and burning down the drill sergeants headquarters.
July 18
- Cambrai-Fritsch Caserne, West Germany - On-base riot.
August 6
- Pittsburgh AFB - On-base riot.
August 9
- Chanute AFB - On-base riot.
September 25
- Whiskey Mountain, South Vietnam - On-base rebellion.
- Praline Mountain, South Vietnam - Military Police assault the Praline Mountain signal site in order to protect an officer who had been the target of repeated ‘fragging’ attempts by GIs. The base was occupied for a week before command was restored.
October 26
- Fort Gordon - Stockade rebellion.
- Augsburg - On-base sit-down strike.
November 6
- Fort Ord - GIs attempt to steal small plane with intention of flying to Amchitka and stop nuclear test.
January 1
- Iwakuni NAS - On-base riot
January 10
- Camp Lejeune Brig - Sit-down strike.
April 15
- Fort Devens Stockade - Hunger-strike.
May 7
- Fort Belvoir Stockade - Sit-in.
July 10
- USS Forestal - Sabotage.
August 12
- Stuttgart - 100 GIs battle German police.
October 11
- Subic Bay - On-base riot .
October 12
- USS Kittyhawk - On-board riot.
October 16
- USS Hassayampa - On-board riot.