Refusal of Orders 1965-72
[Protests and Demonstrations] [Combat Refusal and Refusal of Orders] [AWOL and Desertion]
[Papers, Coffeehouses and Organizations] [Riots and Rebellions] [Harassment and Repression]
June 26
- Lieutenant Richard R. Steinke refuses direct order into a combat zone because of his disapproval of U.S. policy in Vietnam.
June 30
- New York City - Pfc James Johnson, Pvt Dennis Mora and Pvt David Samas [Fort Hood 3] announce at a press conference “should we receive orders orders to go to Vietnam we would definitely take a stand and refuse to go.”
July 14
- McGuire AFB - Fort Hood 3 refuse orders to board plane for Vietnam.
- Capt. Howard Levy refuses to continue training Green Beret medics to treat skin diseases in Vietnam.
April 28
- Muhammad Ali refuses military service.
November 13
- Pvt. Ron Lockman refuses orders to go to Vietnam.
November 15
- Po/3 Dennis Ciesielski refuses orders to board ship headed for Vietnam.
- Eric Nann and Dick Dalton refuse orders to ship out to Vietnam.
January 17
- Fort Gordon - Three GIs from Fort Gordon refuse orders to ship out to Vietnam.
January 19
- Okinawa - Fred Chard refuses orders to ship out to Vietnam.
February 4
- Steve Mason, and John Cornfield win court injunction preventing their shipment to Vietnam while applying for CO status.
February 20
- Me Tho Province, South Vietnam - Reported Combat refusal - US 9th Infantry Division.
- Pvt. John Perry Refuses orders to Vietnam.
June 8
- Duyen Dien, South Vietnam - Reported combat refusal.
June 12
- Lai Khe, South Vietnam - Combat refusal (Bill Short and 2 others)
- Fort Carson - 150 GIs refuse orders to deploy to Chicago for riot control at Democratic Convention.
- Cleveland - 113 Reservists sue to block recall.
- The Ally reports that between February and October 1968, there were more than 600 separate instances of GI resistance in South Vietnam.
November 22
- ASU activist Sp/4 Gregory Lexnor refuses orders to Vietnam.
- Dong Du, South Vietnam - Reported Combat Refusal - 25th Infantry Division.
- Binh Duc, South Vietnam - Reported Combat Refusal - 9th Infantry Division.
- Reported combat Refusal - 9th Infantry Division.
January 14
- Reported combat refusal - 1st Infantry Division.
- Henry Mills refuses orders to Vietnam.
- Binh Duc, South Vietnam - Reported combat Refusal - 9th Infantry Division.
- Fort Sill - 15 GIs refuse orders to Vietnam.
August 6
- Honolulu - 24 Gis given sanctuary in various churches.
August 24
- Combat Refusal - Company A. of the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry.
September 11
- Fort Hood - Richard Chase refuses to participate in riot control training.
- Fort Lewis - Sp/4 Steve Gilbert refuses an order to board a plane for Korea.
- Cu Chi, South Vietnam - Reported combat refusal.
December 15
- Fort Lewis - Hundreds of Black GIs from the 3rd Cavalry walk out of riot control training. The Brass does nothing.
March 23
- New York City - President Nixon orders 24,000 troops from Ft Dix & McGuire Air Force Base to break up postal workers strike. Due to incompetence and deliberate sabotage by sympathetic soldiers, not much mail was moved.
May 7
- Reported combat refusal - 3rd Batallion, 22nd Infantry.
May 11
- Reported combat refusal - 3rd Batallion, 8th Infantry.
June 24
- March AFB - Capt. Richard Hubbard refuses orders to Vietnam.
June 26
- Fort Lewis - Fort Lewis Six (SP/4 Carl Dix, PFC Paul Forrest, PVT. Manuel Perez, Pvt James Allen, PFC Lawrence Galgano, PFC Jeff Griffith) refuse an order to report to the Overseas Replacement Station for Shipment to Vietnam.
September 25
- Hong Kong - 40 Gis refuse to board planes to return to Vietnam from “R n R in” Hong Kong.
- Kadena AFB, Okinawa - 30 Black GIs refuse riot control orders.
- Travis AFB - Capt. Richard Hubbard refuses orders to Vietnam.
- Combat refusal - C Company, 2nd Batallion, 501st Infantry.
March 20
- Khe Sanh, South Vietnam - Combat refusal - Troop B, 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry, Anierical Division.
July 29
- Travis AFB - WAF Sgt Norma Weishams refuses to obey orders sending her to the Philippines.
- Reservists in Massachusetts refuse to participate in war games.
October 10
- Firebase Pace - 6 GIs from Co B, 3rd Bde, 1st Cavalary refuse to go on a night ambush patrol and are threatened with court-martial. In a show of solidarity, soldiers from the other company’s platoons also refuse. 65 out of 100 sign a statement addressed to Senator Edward Kennedy requesting his help if they were given a court-martial. Kennedy offered no help except to call for an ‘investigation’.
October 11
- Firebase Pace - After GIs from Co B refuse to fight, the Brass replaces them with Co D, and 20 more GIs refuse to go out on night patrol.
October 18
- USS Cochrane - 4 sailors refuse to sail and take part in an underground nuclear test on the Aleutian Islands.
- USS Coral Sea - 53 Sailors jump ship in Honolulu.
November 15
- Fort McClellan - 65 Black WACs refuse to report for classes and begin marching around base to protest Army racism. 139 Black Gis and WACs are arrested.
- Alameda NAS - At a demonstration of 1,500 anti war protestors 30 active duty sailors refuse to report for duty on the carrier USS Coral Sea when it departs for Vietnam.