Harassment & Repression
[Protests and Demonstrations] [Combat Refusal and Refusal of Orders] [AWOL and Desertion]
[Papers, Coffeehouses and Organizations] [Riots and Rebellions] [Harassment and Repression]
November 12
- Felix Chavez, who had become a Jehovah's Witness as a soldier, court-martialed for refusing to wear his uniform.
- Fort Bliss - Lt. Henry H. Howe was court-martialed and found guilty on two charges: (a) Using contemptuous words against the President, and (b) conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. He was sentenced to dismissal (equivalent to a dishonorable discharge), two years confinement at hard labor, and forfeiture of pay and allowances (equivalent in two years to a fine of nearly $10,000).
June 12
- Pvt. Adam R. Weber, Jr., of the 25th Infantry Division, was sentenced to a year in prison for his refusal to bear arms in Vietnam.
July 7
- The Ft Hood Three are abducted by federal agents while on their way to speak out at a public anti war meeting at the Community Church.
September 7 - 9
- Fort Dix - Fort Hood 3 court-martialed and found guilty of violating Article 134 of the UCMJ. Johnson and Mora sentenced to three years at Hard Labor, Johnson to five.
December 28
- Fort Jackson - Capt. Howard Levy charged with promoting "disloyalty and disaffection" among soldiers and of refusing to teach dermatology to Special Forces aidmen awaiting assignment to Vietnam.
February 23
- Spec 4 J. Harry Muir 3d, a conscientious objector who said he could not serve in Vietnam because he loved peace more than America, was sentenced to two years at hard labor today for the kind of conduct that "loses wars and countries."
March 3
- Army announces it will court martial Capt. Levy.
April 1
- PFC Howard Petrick advised "there was a definite prospect that he would be court-martialed on the charges of subversion, creating disaffection within the Armed Forces and making "disloyal statements."
April 17
- ACLU files for a preliminary injunction to prevent the court martial of Capt. Howard B. Levy.
May 9
- United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejects ACLU suit to block Capt. Levy's court martial
May 10 - June 2
- Fort Jackson - court martial of Capt. Levy, he faces a maximum of 11 years in prison if he loses.
June 1
- Fort Sill - Pvt. Andy Stapp found guilty of refusing to obey an order to open his footlocker and surrender anti-war literature, was sentenced to 45 days at hard labor, reduction in pay grade and forfeiture of almost a month's pay.
June 2
- Fort Jackson - Capt. Levy found guilty found guilty by a general court martial of disobedience, seeking to promote disloyalty and culpable negligence.
June 3
- Fort Jackson - Capt. Levy sentenced to three years at hard labor.
June 26
- Fort Sill - Pfc. Paul Ilg court-martialed for accusing his battery commander of lying at Stapp's court martial
July 26
- Fort Sill - Founders of Committee for GI Rights arrested for trespassing.
July 31
- Fort Sill - Andy Stapp's second court martial for “breaking barracks restrictions” dismissed.
August 16
- Chu Lai, South Vietnam - GIs are warned against subscribing to The Bond.
August 17
- Camp Pendelton - William Harvey and George Daniels arrested on an assortment of charges.
- According to the San Francisco Chronicle between 50 and 80% of the prisoners in Long Binh jail are “serving two to four month sentences for the military crime of going absent without leave.”
- Leo Leech, who had quit the Navy in protest of the War, is institutionalized in military asylum.
November 27
- Cpl. William Harvey sentenced to six years, and Pfc. George Daniels to ten years, at hard labor for “advis[ing], counsel[ing], urg[ing], caus[ing] and attempt[ing] to cause insubordination, disloyalty and refusal of duty by the members of the armed forces.”.
January 5
- Servicemen in all branches of the military threatened with article 15 if they speak out against the War
February 2
- Fort Sill - Field Board Hearing held to decide on Andy Stapp's fitness to remain in the armed services.
February 15
- Pvt. George Davis court-martialed after refusing orders to Vietnam.
- Army announces court martial of Pfc. Mike Nelson, after he visited Washington “and complained to his Congressman on the treatment of troops on-base”.
- Pvt. George Davis sentenced to 4 years at Hard Labor for refusal to go to Vietnam.
- Fort Jackson - Robert Tater and Steven Kline threatened with court martial for antiwar agitation.
March 8
- Capt. Dale Noyd sentenced to one year at hard labor and dismissed from the service for refusing to train pilots for service in Vietnam.
March 15
- Pfc. Howard Petrick given undesirable discharge.
March 30
- Leavenworth - Capt Levy placed in "disciplinary segregation" for violating mailing privileges.
April 3
- Navy court-martials PO/3 Dennis Ciesielski for refusal of orders to Vietnam.
- Beale AFB - Jeffrey Goldin arrrsted for "not going through proper “chain of command” and any statements I make, without going through the “information office”, would result in additional charges carrying a punishment of 3 years for each statement made" after he had contacted his local newspaper to announce he was going on hunger strike to protest the war.
April 5
- Berlin Brigade “locked down” to protect GIs from antiwar leafletters.
April 6
- President Johnson orders 5,000 Federal troops to Chicago, at the request of Lieut. Governor Samuel H. Shapiro who told him they were needed to combat an "insurrection
April 9
- Fort Ord - The brass announce they will court martial Pvt. Kenneth Stolte and PFC Daniel Amick for having passed out an anti-war leaflet to their fellow GIs. The charge is '' promoting disaffection among the troops and civilian populace,'' and carries a possible penalty of three years imprisonment.
April 13
- Fort Campbell - On-base curfew declared in response to two nights of rioting.
April 16
- Fort Sill - Pvt. Paul Gaedtke given undesirable discharge.
April 17
- PO/3 Dennis Ciesiesky is court-martialed for refusing to board a Vietnam-bound ship.
April 18
- PO/3 Dennis Ciesielski sentenced to one year at hard labor and given a bad conduct discharge.
- Cpl. Mary Burns given undesirable discharge.
April 19
- Fort Sill - Pvt. Andy Stapp given undesirable discharge.
April 22
- Fort Knox - Priest barred from the base for giving antiwar advice to GIs.
April 23
- Fort Campbell - On-base curfew imposed to halt “scattered acts of rebellion.”
- Beale AFB - Jeffrey Beale given an "undesirable discharge" for statements he made to the press announcing his hunger strike in opposition to the Vietnam War.
(click here to read Jeffrey Goldin's description of his "crimes and punishment")
May 1
- Air force sentences George B. Edwards to a year at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge for refusal of orders to Vietnam.
May 22
- Fort Ord - Ken Stolte and Dan Amick convicted after a three day general court martial. The two charges against them were “attempting to conspire” to commit an offense and engaging in acts prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the Army, including uttering disloyal statements with intent to arouse disloyalty and disaffection among the troops and civilian populace. They were sentenced to four years at hard labor and dishonorable discharges.
June 6
- Navy court martial, hearing case of Fred Patrick, rules that conscientious objection to war is a valid defense against charge of being AWOL.
June 26
- The Presidio Stockade - GI shot in back while trying to escape.
July 18
- San Francisco - The Nine for Peace arrested .
July 29
- Oakland Army Base - Application to use auditorium for GI teach-in rejected.
August 23
- Killeen - 5 Oleo Strut staff members charged with possession.
August 24
- Fort Hood - Fort Hood 43 arrested for wilful disobedience of a lawful order.
- Fort Dix - Allen Myers charged with violating Fort Dix regulation prohibiting the distribution of any written material which "is in bad taste, prejudicial to good order and discipline in the command, subversive or otherwise contrary to the best interests of this command."
- Vietnam GI reports that the stockade at Fort Leonard Wood is so overcrowded that there’s a waiting list! Same story as elsewhere -- GIs are going AWOL in ever increasing numbers. There are 135 men awaiting trial who live in regular barracks, pulling soft duty -- and they’re even getting passes.
September 7
- Fort Hood - Andy Stapp barred from entering the base, where he had tried to interview 6 of the Fort Hood 43.
September 10
- Fort Hood - PFC. Bruce L, Petersen charged with two counts of marijuana possession.
September 11
- Killeen - Andy Stapp, Dick Wheaton and Bill Smith arrested on vagrancy charges.
September 21
- Fort Hood - five of the Ft Hood 43 found guilty of failure to report for reveille. Four [Pfc. Reginald Thompson, Pvt. Donald Bias, Spec/5 Rudolph Bell, Pfc. Charles Arline] were sentenced to six months confinement, forfeiture pf $63 a month and reduction to the lowest rank. One [Pvt. Steve Suswell] was sentenced to three months confinement, forfeiture pf $63 a month for six months and reduction to the lowest rank.
September 28
- Fort Hood - Two of the Fort hood 43 [Pfc Dwayne Wilcoxson, Sgt. Thomas Dominick] were found guilty of breaking restriction and sentenced to one month at hard labor, forfeiture of two thirds of their pay and reduction in rank. They were found not guilty of failure to obey the order of a superior officer; one [Pvt. Carl Bynum] found guilty of failure to obey an order and sentenced to six months at hard labor, forfeiture of two thirds of their pay for six months and reduction in rank; one [Specialist Alfred Delone] was found not guilty and one [Pfc Leroy Beauchamp] did not appear for his court martial and was listed as AWOL.
- Supreme Court Justice Douglas gave Lt. Hugh Smith a stay against the transfer order because of the "serious First Amendment question involved in the transfer". The stay was granted two hours before Smith was to have left for Seattle on route to Taiwan.
- The GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee issues an appeal for telegrams of support on behalf of antiwar GI’s Pfc. Walter Kos (Fort Bragg, NC), and Pfc. Edwin Glover (Fort Benning, Georgia).
- Larry Freidberg threatened with “general discharge” for signing petition calling for immediate withdrawal from Vietnam published in The New York Times.
October 1
- Fort Dix - Spec/4 Allen Myers acquitted of charges that he had distributed leaflets and other printed matter that was "in bad taste," "prejudicial to good order," or "subversive."
October 11
- The Presidio Stockade - Pvt Richard Bunch, 19, was shot in the back and killed while allegedly trying to escape from a work detail.
- Jim Ghent forcibly shipped to Vietnam.
October 14
- San Francisco - Lt [jg] Susan Schnall charged under Articles 92 and 133 of the UCMJ as result of her participation in the October 12th GI/Vets organized antiwar demonstration in San Francisco.
- San Francisco - A1/C Michael Locks charged with wearing his uniform to the October 12th GI/Vets organized antiwar demonstration in San Francisco.
October 25
- Fort Hood - Six of the Fort Hood 43 were tried by General court martial The results were: Sgt. Robert Rucker and SP/4 Ernest Bess, acquitted; Pvt. Guy Smith and Pvt. Ernest Fredericks, BCDs (no time); SP/4 Talley Royal, three months w/o confinement, and SP/4 Albert Henry, three months with confinement. They had faced a possible five years at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge.
November 6
- Fort Hood - PFC. Bruce L, Petersen found guilty of two counts of possession of marijuana in a general court martial Sentenced to eight years at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge.
November 23
- Fort Gordon - Shakedown to uncover subversive literature.
- Fort Dix - Brass issue post regulation prohibiting distribution of any literature at Fort Dix "without the prior approval of the Adjutant General".
January 31
- San Francisco - Susan Schnall court-martialed for actions which, the Navy said, would "impair the morale, loyalty and discipline of the members of the armed forces (and) conduct unbecoming an officer."
- Fort Gordon - Pfc. Dennis Davis (editor of Last Harass) given undesirable discharge.
- Fort Jackson - Pvt. Joe Miles (co-founder of GIs United) punitively transferred Fort Bragg with 3 hours notice.
February 13
- Fort Jackson - Pfc. Robert Teter, Pfc. Steven Kline arrested for organizing Pray-in.
February 20
- Tacoma - Shelter Half's business license revoked.
February 28
- Fort Lewis - Pfc. William Hill reduced in rank and transferred because of antiwar activities.
- National Draft and Military Law Panel of the National lawyers Guild files suit to protect the rights of GIs marching in Easter antiwar demonstrations.
- Fort Jackson - Founder of GIs United, Pvt. Lawrence Hart, given 6 months on trumped -up assault charges, even though prosecution witnesses testified that he had not touched the person he “assaulted.”
- Fort Lewis - Pvt. Robert Hinkle, who had been AWOL from Fort Lewis forcibly transferred, under sedation and in wheel chair to Fort Dix.
March 14
- Fort Jackson - Founder of GIs United, Pvt. Joe Cole, informed Army intended to discharge him for his political activities.
March 15
- Ed Horvarth arrested for distributing The Ally.
March 18
- Reps Jeffrey Cohelan and Robert Leggett, both California Democrats, accused the Pentagon of handing out "unconscionable, excessive, and unfair" sentences to soldiers convicted in a sit-down protest at the Presidio Stockade.
- Fort Lewis - Pvt. Isaac Barr, who had refused orders to Vietnam, dragged on to a plane and shipped to Vietnam.
- Fort Jackson - Founder of GIs United, Pvt. Tommie Woodfin, "acquitted of charges of circulating GIs United petition asking for a post meeting to discuss the war."
March 21
- Fort Jackson - Fort Jackson 9, arrested for “holding an illegal demonstration, ... breach of the peace, ... and disobeying an order.”
March 25
- Fort Jackson - Breach of Peace and other charges filed against Fort Jackson 9
- The Presidio - On-base antiwar leafletters harassed
March 28
- Fort Dix - SP/4 Allen Myers arrested for posting sticker advertising April 5th GI-civilian demonstration in New York.
- Tacoma - Founders of The Shelter Half coffeehouse tried for “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”
March 29
- Fort Sheridan - GI Day canceled to stop GI-Civilian teach-in.
- Fort Carson - Four GIs restricted to post for possession of The Ally.
- Sgt. Michael Sanders sent to Vietnam after criticizing war in press interview.
- GI paper About Face lists 147 RITAs as political prisoners held against their will in US military stockades.
April 1
- Washington DC - After publishing the first issue of OM The Servicemen’s Newsletter Roger Priest is reassigned from the Pentagon, to the United States Naval Section in the District of Columbia.
- Tom Sincavitch, who had resigned from the reserves in opposition to the war, court-martialed on AWOL charge.
April 10
- Fort Jackson - Military admits that one of the Fort Jackson 9 (Private John Huffman) had been acting on "behalf of the command." Defense lawyers argue their case was severely compromised because he had participated in planning and helped devise their case against the Army.
April 11
- Fort Lewis - Pvt. Michael Koszta, one of founders of GI-CAP, transferred with three hours notice to Fort Irwin.
April 14
- Norton AFB - Airman First Class David Mays, who spoke at GI - Civilian Demonstration in Los Angeles charged with insubordination.
- Fort Gordon - Editor of The Last Harass given early out under less than honorable conditions to “prevent him from carrying on his antimilitary organizing in the reserves.”
April 19
- Fort Sill - Pvt Andy Stapp, founder of American Servicemen’s Union, given dishonorable discharge.
April 20
- Fort Dix - Terry Klug court-martialed on two counts of desertion.
April 21
- Wright-Patterson AFB - Editor of USAF, Sgt. Rossaire Bisson, ordered not to distribute the paper on-base.
April 22
- Fort Jackson - court-martials of the Fort Jackson 8 begin.
April 23
- Fort Dix - Sp/4 Allen Myers acquitted on charge of having put up an antiwar sticker and distributed unauthorized material.
- Fort Bragg - Fort Bragg GIs United banned from using Servicemen’s Club for on-base meetings.
May 1
- Fort Jackson - Edilberto Chaparro (Fort Jackson 8) given undesirable discharge.
May 2
- Fort Jackson - Dominick Duddie and Curtis Mays (Fort Jackson 8) have charges dismissed.
May 4
- Fort Dix - Hal Muskat transferred to Fort Lee, for involvement in the distribution of underground newspapers on post.
May 6
- Fort Dix - Edwin Arnett, the first GI to be tried for desertion from Vietnam to a foreign country, sentenced to four years at hard labor.
May 12
- Fort Jackson - Delmar Thomas (Fort Jackson 8) given undesirable discharge.
May 16
- Fort Jackson - Tommie Woodfin (Fort Jackson 8) has charges dismissed.
May 20
- Fort Jackson - Army announces it was dropping charges against Fort Jackson 8.
- Fort Bragg - The brass revoked permission (which they had granted a week before) for Pvt. Joe Miles to distribute copies of the Bill of Rights on base.
May 21
- Fort Jackson - Pvt. Joseph Cole, Pvt. Andrew Pulley and Pvt. Jose Rudder (Fort Jackson 8) released from stockade.
May 23
- Fort Bragg - Pvt. Joe Miles threatened with transfer to Alaska.
May 28
- Wright-Patterson AFB - Airman 1/c Larry Friedberg and Sgt. Rossarie Bisson arrested for distributing leaflets announcing May 31 anti-war march in Dayton.
- Pentagon drafts Guidance on Dissent as a guideline in the handling of “dissenters.” The letter gives instructions to commanders on how to handle many facets of dissent ranging from possession and distribution of political materials, Servicemen's Unions, and demonstrations to the publication of “Underground” newspapers.
May 31
- Fort Hood - Pfc. Robert Bower charged with “unauthorized” distribution of antiwar literature.
- Fort Dix - Spec/5 Ken Willis threatened with being charged as AWOL unless he ceased agitating against the war.
June 1
- Fort Eustis - Pfc. Carlos Barcena (editor of Rough Draft) given one month confinement at hard labor for missing two hours duty.
- Fort Lee - Hal Muskat (editor of Spartacus) punitively transferred to Fort Dix with only a few hours notice.
June 3
- Fort Hood - Charges against Pfc. Robert Bower for the “unauthorized” distribution of antiwar literature dismissed .
June 6
- Washington DC - Mendel Rivers, Chairman of House Armed Services Committee, wrote Rear Admiral Johnson, Chief of Legislative Liaison at the Pentagon, that OM The Servicemen’s Newsletter reflects a "gross abuse of the Constitutional right of free speech.".
June 7
- Fort Ord - 14 Presidio 27 defendants convicted at General court martial, and sentenced to terms ranging from three to 15 months.
June 10
- Fort Lewis - Sp/5 Bill Thompson court-martialed for refusal of orders to Vietnam.
June 18
- Fort Jackson - Military moves to dismiss Pvt. Joseph Cole on grounds of his political views, “his sloppy dress”, having gone AWOL and failure to get a haircut.
June 19
- Fort Jackson - Three off-duty GIs arrested for selling The Ally.
- Federal Courts refuse to block Pvt. Joe Miles’ punitive transfer from Fort Bragg to Alaska.
June 20
- Washington DC - Roger Priest charged with violating 14 specifications under 4 articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, for statements and articles published in the first 3 issues of OM The Servicemen’s Newsletter.
- Fort Jackson - Military moves to dismiss Pvt. Jose Rudder because of his political views, having gone AWOL and having two traffic citations.
June 23
- Fort Bragg - Pvt. Joe Miles found guilty of being AWOL in spite of having signed out for the weekend and having a valid Class A Pass.
June 24
- Fort Benning - Five GIs and three civilians “detained on suspicion of posting American Servicemen’s Union literature on the bulletin board of the main post theater.”
June 25
- Wright-Patterson AFB - Rossarie Bisson acquitted of charges that he distributed unofficial leaflets on-base in violation of a direct order supposedly given him by his commanding officer.
June 26
- Fort Bragg - Spec/4 Jack Riley arrested for violating regulation against the distribution of “unauthorized literature.”
- Camp Lejeune - Display of ‘peace symbols” outlawed.
- Colorado Springs - Home Front coffee house loses lease after the landlord was visited by the FBI.
- Fort Dix - GI court-martialed for handing out two copes of Shakedown.
July 2
- Fort Jackson - Pvt. James Woodfin found guilty of being AWOL over the memorial day weekend, which he admitted to, and acquitted of charges that he had “used provocative language” and “unlawfully striking Acting Sgt. James Brody in the face with the content of a cup of hot coffee.”
- Wrightstown - Sgt Harold Hariston (McGuire AFB), Specialist 4 Hal Muskat (Fort Dix) and 2 staff members of the Fort Dix coffee house file $1,000,000 damage suit against the commanding general of Fort Dix and state and local officials for harassment of employees and patrons of the coffeehouse.
July 10
- Fort Benning - Edwin Glover given undesirable discharge for antiwar activities.
July 11
- Fort Huachuca - Day before he was to distribute Huachuca Hard Times openly on-post, the editor David Egan is given an early out and escorted off-base.
July 14
- Fort Gordon - Copies of Last Harass seized at shakedown.
- Fort Jackson - Ken Cross court-martialed at Fort Jackson for distributing the GI paper Short Times.
July 15
- Fort Gordon - Shakedown. All copies of GI paper Last Harass seized. Pfc. Thomas Sampson, who was restricted to the company area while awaiting court martial for being AWOL, was found with a copy and thrown in the stockade.
July 16
- Fort Bragg - Spec/4 Jack Riley sentenced to 30 days restriction and reduction in rank for violating regulation against the distribution of “unauthorized literature.”
- Chanute AFB - Airman Ralph Dady’s request to distribute the Bill of Rights and Oath of Enlistment denied.
July 18
- Fort Jackson - Joseph Cole given undesirable discharge.
July 22
- Fort Bragg - Fort Bragg GIs United meeting ordered to disperse.
- The New York Times reports that the Pentagon admitted at a pretrial hearing for Roger Priest , that he had 25 military agents assigned to his case, that attempts had been made by these agents under assumed names to receive copies of his paper, and that special arrangements had been made with the Washington DC Sanitation Department to collect his trash and deliver it to Naval Intelligence.
July 24
- Fort Gordon - Materials for future issue of Last Harass seized at shakedown.
- Fort Gordon - Pfc. Tim Johnson, Pvt. Jeff Budd, Pfc. Boyce Brunson (staff of Last Harass) threatened with transfer “off Fort Gordon by 30th of July”.
July 30
- At a press conference called by the GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee, Bob Kukiel (who was discharged from the Marine Corps 3 months early on July 1 after requesting permission to distribute GI paper Head-On! at Camp Lejeune) refuted Rep. Mario Biaggi's attempt to use clashes at Camp Lejeune between blacks and whites as an excuse for a witch hunt attack on all dissent in the military. Kukiel, who became opposed to the war while fighting in Vietnam, described the unlawful harassment meted out to him and other antiwar Marines and to anyone found with a copy of Head-On!.
- GI Press Service reported that “in an effort to stifle dissent in Armed Services, draft boards ordered to defer any person working for an underground newspaper.”
- Fayetteville - 2 members of Ft Bragg GIs United arrested for distributing copies of Bragg Briefs.
August 6
- Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas orders Howard Levy be released on $1,000 bond .
August 9
- Fort Dix - Spec/4 Hal Muskat sentenced to seven months at Hard Labor for distributing an antiwar newspaper and “contemptuous utterings to the court."
August 28
- Washington DC - Roger Priest ordered to stand trial.
August 30
- Washington DC - Navy announces it was dropping six of the fourteen charges against Roger Priest.
- Fort Sam Houston - Staff of Your Military Left transferred after 3 issues.
- San Diego - YN3. André Carlson (Duck Power staff member) given early out under honorable conditions.
September 2
- Fort Jackson - Pvt Laurence Svirchev (member of Committee of Fort Jackson Conscientious Objectors) shipped out in chains.
- Muldraugh - In effort to stop Fort Knox coffee house from operating, Muldraugh City Council pass ordinance requiring a thorough investigation, by police, of anyone opening a business
September 5
- Muldraugh - Fort Knox coffee house closed by police and landlord refuses rent on advice of county attorney.
September 7
- South Vietnam - The Commanding Officer of the 4th Infantry Division issues an order stating that GIs who fail to salute officers will be sent to “forward areas.”
September 12
- Honolulu - MPs raid a church, capturing 12 of 23 anti war GIs who have taken sanctuary there for 38 days. The other GIs escaped.
- Washington DC - Pentagon issues "Guidelines for Handling Dissident and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces."
September 14
- Fort Sam Houston - Sp/4 Tom Connell and Pfc. Damon Ruttenberg busted for distributing copies of Your Military Left.
September 16
- Fort Bragg - Authorities turned down a request from GIs United for permission to distribute the antiwar paper Bragg Briefs on post.
September 25
- Camp Pendelton - 4 GIs detained for having seditious literature.
September 27
- Fort Jackson - Pvt. Steve Dash discharged early with an honorable discharge on a days notice.
September 29
- San Diego - SA Thomas Csekey busted for distributing Duck Power off-base and out of uniform
- Oceanside - GI teach-in at the Green Machine coffee house busted.
- San Diego - Seaman Robert Mahoney and SA Thomas Csekey (Duck Power staff members) given early out under honorable conditions.
October 1
- Muldraugh - Meade County Judge rules that Fort Knox coffee house landlord had right to evict coffeehouse for non-payment of rent, in spite of the fact that the coffee house staff had attempted to pay the rent.
October 4
- 2 cars carrying 10 GIs, from Fort Hood, to a Houston anti war rally are shot at with M-16 rifle fire.
October 6
- Muldraugh - Grand Jury convened to investigate Staff and clientele of Fort Knox coffee house.
October 9
- Muldraugh - Fort Knox Coffeehouse firebombed.
- Bad Kreuznach, West Germany - Base locked down to stop on-base demonstration.
October 10
- Fort Jackson - Pvt. Charles Carson arrested and charged with “distributing a petition without authorization”
October 13
- Fort Knox - Steve Gilbert shipped to Fort Lewis 4 hours after returning from being AWOL.
October 15
- Fort Benning - Sp/5 Jim Goodman harassed for wearing an armband with number 40,000 on it.
October 20
- Fort Lewis - Fort Lewis American Serviceman's Union chapter busted for holding meeting on-base. 35 GIs were arrested and held for five hours, but no on was charged with anything, mostly because of the solidarity of the men.
October 22
- Fort Sam Houston - Pvt. Walter Volmut busted for openly distributing Your Military Left outside the base chapel.
October 23
- USS Neureus - Seaman Kris Metzger busted for distributing Duck Power on board the ship.
October 25
- Congressman Mario Biaggi describes conditions at Fort Dix Stockade as the most inhumane he had ever seen.
- Fort Lewis - Sp/4 Steve Gilbert charged with malingering for refusing an order to board a plane for Korea.
October 30
- Fort Carson - Charles Swanson (ASU organizer) transferred and placed under surveillance.
- Fort Carson - Antiwar literature seized during shakedown.
- Muldraugh - Fort Knox coffee house firebombed again
- Muldraugh - Organizers of Fort Knox coffee house indicted by Grand Jury of “criminal activity” at the coffeehouse
- Washington, DC - Rep. Bob Wilson, Republican of California and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, issued a press release saying that the Defense Department is warning military personnel “against associating themselves with the so-called ‘March Against Death,’” which was the up-coming anti war Moratorium demonstration scheduled for November 15
October 31
- Pfc. John R. Johanson discharged early for antiwar activities.
- Fort Carson -Pfc. William Reynolds charged with going AWOL after talking to the Washington Post.
November 10
- Fort Dix - Jeffrey Russell (Fort Dix 38) sentenced to three years at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge.
November 12
- Barksdale AFB - The apartment of Ken Hauserman (editor of GI paper GAF) broken into and illegally confiscate materials for next issue.
November 13
- Fort Bliss - GIs For peace organizers, Pfc. Jim Nies, Pfc. Ed Barresi and Pfc. Ron Lund, punitively transferred at a few hours notice.
November 17
- Fort Hood - Pfc. Robert Bower informed he would be tried at a special court martial on three charges: violating an Army Regulation by demonstrating in uniform; violating a Fort Hood Regulation against wearing fatigues off post; and being AWOL for three hours.
November 19
- Washington DC - Military judge throws out solicitation charge against Roger Priest. He is overruled by Rear Admiral George Koch, Commandant Washington naval District.
- Pfc. Robert Bower, with 20 days remaining until ETS charged with “demonstrating in uniform” at a demonstration that he did not attend.
November 28
- Fort McClellan - Sgt. Lewis Delano notified he would be given an “undesirable” discharge from the Army for “unsuitability due to apathy, defective attitudes and inability to expend effort constructively.”
- Fort Bragg - Bruce Patterson, Allen Hallmark (founders of Bragg Briefs) honorably discharged from the military.
- Fort Dix - Bill Brakefield (Fort Dix 38) convicted on charges stemming from June 5 Stockade rebellion at Fort Dix and sentenced to 3 years at hard labor.
- Sgt. Lewis Delano discharged.
- Lt. Peter Hagerty (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
- Gypsy Petersen cleared of all charges, dishonorably discharged and freed.
December 8
- Fort Dix - Terry Klug (Fort Dix 38) acquitted at a general court martial of charges that he helped incite, and participated in, the June 5th riot at Fort Dix.
December 11
- Colorado Springs - December issue of Aboveground delayed after the paper’s printer was harassed by U.S.A. and FBI
December 13
- Fort McClellan - Sgt. Lewis Delano assaulted while circulating a petition.
December 14
- Fort McClellan - Editors of Left Face informed that their petition to distribute the paper openly on-base had been denied, because the content of the paper had been deemed "prejudicial to military loyalty, discipline and morale at this installation."
December 18
- Fort Lewis - 4 ASU activists placed on restriction for passing out copies of Fed Up off duty and out of uniform.
December 20
- Fort Hood - Pvt Richard Chase convicted and sentenced to two years hard labor at Leavenworth and Dishonorable Discharge.
December 23
- Detroit - Sgt Charles Harris and Sgt. Douglas Byers arrested by Secret Service for “calling for the assassination of President Nixon.”
December 27
- Columbia, S.C. - Federal Judge rules that GIs don't have the Constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of the press.
- Camp Pendelton - L/Cpl Cliff Mansker punitively transferred.
- South Vietnam - Armed Forces Radio broadcaster in Vietnam, Sp/5 Robert Lawrence, reassigned after “revealing on the air he was ordered to suppress unfavorable news”
- Lt. Tono Hixon (Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
January 2
- Judge Algernon L. Butler denied motions of attorneys for GIs United demanding immediate distribution right on post of the publication Bragg Briefs.
January 13
- Columbia - Warrant issued for the arrest of 5 members of UFO coffee house staff for providing a gathering place for "persons of evil name, fame and conversation," and with "aiding, encouraging, enticing and allowing minors under the age of 21 to become incorrigible and ungovernable or habitually disobedient beyond the control of his or her parents or become habitually truant, associate with immoral or vicious persons."
January 15
- Columbia - UFO coffee house closed.
January 22
- Fort Gordon - 4 GIs who tried to open investigation of war crimes in Vietnam arrested on charges “of undermining loyalty, morale and discipline.".
- Tacoma - Army attempts to make the Shelter Half coffee house permanently off limits to active duty servicemen.
January 27
- Oceanside - Wallace Emory court-martialed for “disrespect to a commanding officer ... [and] ... disobeying a lawful order.".
January 30
- Fort Carson - Pfc. William Reynolds, who spoke with Washington Post about his opposition to the war, sentenced to 30 days for being AWOL for an hour.
- San Diego - Police break up MDM meeting and assault the participants.
February 2
- Fort Lewis - Willie Williams charged with “conduct discrediting the Armed Services” for making a poster containing a statement from the Black Panther newspaper.
February 10
- Fort Richardson - Editor of Anchorage Troop, George Edge, transferred to Kelly A.F.B. on 24 hours notice
February 13
- Fort Lewis - Wade Carson convicted for ”attempted distribution of unauthorized literature.”
February 14
- Wrightstown - Fort Dix coffeehouse firebombed.
February 15
- Columbia - UFO coffee house temporarily closed again by a restraining order to stop owners maintaining public nuisance
February 16
- Steve Gilbert found guilty of charges of AWOL, malingering and refusing to obey a direct order, for his refusal to go to Korea, which he believed was a war zone
February 19
- Fort Lewis - Pvt. Bruce MacLean shipped to Vietnam against his will.
February 21
- Fort Lewis - Willie Williams charged, under Article 134 of UCMJ with "conduct discrediting the Armed Services." Specification one of the charge was "threatening the life of the President of the United States.
February 24
- Fort Knox - Paul Kurek arrested for “distributing political papers” on base.
- Wrightstown - Fort Dix coffee house loses lease and is closed.
March 5
- Muldraugh - 4 GIs arrested for leafleting.
March 8
- Fort Bragg - Two GIs, Dave O’Brien, Bill Carothers, who were legally getting signatures for a petition were arrested and charged with illegal distribution of literature .
- Fort Lewis - Jane Fonda detained at, and then banned for life from, the base.
March 13
- Roger Priest’s petition rejected
March 17
- Fort McClellan - Kevin O’Connor, a conscientious Objector “found guilty of refusing to obey a direct order to participate in infantry training and sentenced to five months at hard labor.”
March 24
- Fort Bragg - David O’Brien, a conscientious objector and member of Bragg Briefs staff released from military service after spending 20 months and 17 days in basic training.
March 25
- Washington DC - Judge Raymond Perkins recommends dropping charges against Roger Priest.
- USS Forestall - Al Rita, ASU organizer and editor of Potemkin, given honorable discharge four years ahead of schedule.
April 14
- Washington DC - Navy announces it’s intention to proceed with Roger Priest’s court martial on six counts. Priest faces 39 years in jail if found guilty on all counts.
April 22
- US court upholds the right of the Army’s Military Intelligence to “collect, store and circulate” information on lawful political activities of GIs and civilians.
April 23
- Iwakuni MCAS - GI organizer of April 4 + 12 antiwar demonstrations at Iwakuni transferred to Camp Pendelton with less than 36 hours notice.
- Fort Richardson - Joe Miles informed his security clearance had been revoked.
April 27
- Washington DC - The US Navy discharges Seaman Roger Priest, for “disloyalty and demoralization” of GIs.
April 28
- Columbia - Three staff members of UFO coffee house sentenced to six years in prison.
- Oceanside - Headquarters of MDM attacked by ‘Night Riders’.
- Anniston - GIs-WACs United application to hold a FTA rally in Zinn Park rejected by the city council.
April 29
- San Diego - MDM headquarters attacked by snipers with automatic weapons.
- Columbia - UFO coffee house closed down.
May 4
- Kent State University - 4 students are killed and 11 wounded after National Guardsmen open fire on protesting students.
May 6
- Mare Island - Lt. (jg) David Borst (Naval conscientious objector) sentenced to dismissal at a general court martial
May 8
- Fort McClellan - Sp/4 George Lollis (member of GIs-WACs United and editor of Left Face) discharged 18 months early.
May 9
- Fort Bragg - 2nd Lt. James Klimaski punitively transferred to Fort Lewis after filing for CO status.
May 14
- Federal Judge orders military to change Andy Stapp's discharge from undesirable to honorable.
- USS Isle Royale - Bill Drosbaugh and Robert Green accused of “conspiracy to promote disloyalty and disaffection among the crew by circulating a leaflet protesting the war in Southeast Asia."
May 19
- Fayetteville - Quakerhouse firebombed.
May 22
- Fort Meade - Jane Fonda and Mark Lane expelled from the base.
- Gordon Kerr, Jim Pahura and Randy Thomas given early release from active duty, on 6 hours notice, because of their involvement with the Concerned Officers Movement.
- Washington DC - Roger Priest convicted of “promoting disloyalty and disaffection” by publishing the antiwar newspaper OM. The Navy court which convicted Priest, reprimanded him and ordered a bad conduct discharge for him. Priest said he had expected a harsher sentence, but would appeal anyway. “I view the punishment as unwarranted because all I did was exercise my constitutional rights, “ said the sailor.
June 3
- Fort Wainwright - Brass denies The Green Machine distribution rights .
June 10
- Fort Lewis - Spec/5 Bill Thompson sentenced to two years at hard labor for refusal of orders to Vietnam.
- Mike Greene and Phil Lehman given early release from active duty because of their involvement with the Concerned Officers Movement.
- Fort Hamilton - In effort to delimit antiwar activities, the Brass orders punitive transfers for 10 of the base's Army Band, including David Cortright (Fort Bliss), Paul Dix and Thomas Bankston (Vietnam), three others were shipped to Korea, two to Vietnam, one to Germany and one to Fort Lee. In response to this treatment, 37 GIs at Fort Hamilton sent a letter to Senator Charles Goodell asking him to investigate conditions at Fort Hamilton.
July 1
- Selfridge AFB - OSI raid room of the editor of Broken Arrow and seize all files pertaining to the paper
July 7
- Selfridge AFB - Under pretext of searching for narcotics, OSI seizes files, personal letters and antiwar literature from the office of Broken Arrow.
July 8
- Fort Hamilton - Military institutes “radical and immediate changes” in 26th Army Band’s duty status because of widespread opposition to the Vietnam War among its members .
July 21
- Fort Hamilton - David Cortright (26th Army Band’s Drum Major) removed from 26th Army Band and punitively transferred to Fort Bliss for antiwar activities.
July 22
- Fort Wainwright - Shakedown. Copies of The Green Machine seized from Pfc. Dale Denton’s locker.
- Bob Lemay, Executive Director of ASU, found not guilty of "subversion and disloyalty" and given honorable discharge.
July 23
- Fort Carson - MDM meeting, attended by 40-50 civilians and GIs, raided by Military Intelligence.
- Muldraugh - Fort Knox coffee house closed for good.
July 26
- Camp McCoy - Spec/4 Tom Chase, Spec/4 Steve Geden and Pfc. Dannie Kreps arrested for the July 25 bombings at the base.
July 28
- Fort Devens - Pvt. Al Johnson arrested for participating in a legal demonstration “off duty and in civilian clothes."
- Fort Hamilton - Spec/4 Emil Schaeffer court-martialed for wearing peace sign under his uniform.
August 10
- Camp Pendelton - Cliff Mansker given "a one way ride to Military Pig Headquarters, where his copies of Black Unity were immediately confiscated. Next Cliff was ordered to remove his Unity Band, a symbol of his pride and strength. The pigs figured he would hang himself. No Shit! When he refused to obey this order, he was set upon by three MPs who forcibly removed the band from his wrist. The resistance which Cliff put up netted him an assault charge and confinement to the brig pending court martial".
August 17
- Camp Pendelton Brig - Black GIs harassed for wearing black unity bands .
August 18
- Camp Pendelton - Marines attacked for wearing “unity bands."
August 19
- Camp Pendelton - 4 Gis arrested for flashing peace sign.
- Camp McCoy - Camp McCoy 3 shipped to Fort Carson
August 27
- Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals rules "brass must specify which articles it objects to in a GI antiwar newspaper or face a court order permitting distribution of the paper on Army posts."
August 30
- R.A.F. Base, Mildenhall - Sgt Jerry Gutowski threatened with two years at hard labor for distributing GI newspaper P.E.A.C.E. on-base.
- Keflavik, Iceland - Officers and GIs involved with The Stuffed Puffin threatened with transfer.
September 9
- Camp Lejeune, NC – Marine Pvt Raymond Sansiviero, a deserter who returned from Sweden, is given a sentence of 1 year imprisonment.
September 11
- Colorado Springs - Sp/4 Steve Gedden busted for being AWOL for 25 minutes while participating in Fort Carson GI-civilian antiwar demonstration.
September 23
- Camp Pendelton - Cliff Mansker court-martialed
- Lt. Harold Appel (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
- Ens. Bob Brown (member of Concerned Officers Movement) reassigned for speaking to the press
- Lt. John Kent (member of Concerned Officers Movement) stripped of security clearance.
- Ens Leo Tobin (member of Concerned Officers Movement) transferred from sensitive job, stripped of cryptic clearance
October 15
- Selfridge AFB - Six women from Detroit arrested for distributing the GI paper Broken Arrow on-base.
October 20
- Selfridge AFB - Staff of Broken Arrow questioned by FBI, concerning the activities of the women arrested on October 15.
October 21
- Yokusaka, Japan - GIs harassed for wearing black armbands .
October 26
- Fort Lewis - Fort Lewis Six found guilty. Jim Allen - 3 years and Dishonorable Discharge; Carl Dix - 2 years and Bad Conduct Discharge; Paul Forrest 2 years and Dishonorable Discharge; Larry Galgano - 1 year and Bad Conduct Discharge; Manuel Perez - 1 year and Bad Conduct Discharge; Jeff Griffith 2 months and no discharge
November 8
- 1st Lt. Rob Wilkes (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
November 9
- Lt. Rob Claflin (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
November 12
- Fort Lewis - Paul Forrest, Carl Dix and Jim Allen transferred to Leavenworth.
- Lt. Nicholas Cobbs (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
- Lt. David Swift (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out
December 1
- Lt. Edward Rea (member of Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
December 14
- Fort Lewis - Base declared off-limits to non-military personnel.
- Capt. Ed Fox (Concerned Officers Movement) denied CO status by Army, granted CO status by Federal Courts.
January 19
- Congressman Mitchell informed that barracks at Fort Meade “not suitable for human habitation”
February 1
- Camp McCoy - SP/4 Tom Chase, SP/4 Steve Geden and PFC Daniel Kreps charged for the July 26, 1970 bombing of a Western Electric transformer and the central telephone exchange at Camp McCoy.
February 25
- Clarksville - The Peoples House, the Ft Campbell GI organizing center, is unsuccessfully firebombed
- Bien Hoa, South Vietnam - Billy Smith arrested and accused of fragging three officers
- Lt. John Kent (Concerned Officers Movement) denied CO status by Navy, granted CO status by Federal Courts.
- Lt. Bob Brown (Concerned Officers Movement) given early out.
May 9
- Long Binh, South Vietnam - Lt. Rory Sutton is kicked out of the army for wearing a black armband in support of anti-war Vietnam veterans who protested in Washington DC the month before.
May 21
- Fort Greeley - Pvt. Ed Jurenas (editor of Arctic Arsenal) relieved of his duties.
May 23
- Six black soldiers arrested for sabotaging a helicopter and breaking into an armory.
- Killeen - Tyrrell picketers arrested.
- Fort Greeley - Pvt. Ed Jurenas (editor of Arctic Arsenal) charged with “disrespect to an officer... disobeying a lawful order ... conduct impairing the loyalty, discipline and morale of the Army.”
June 18
- Berlin - Ronald Bolden and Samuel Robertson, both of whom had been AWOL for 6 months, publicly surrendered in Berlin carrying a sign that read "Stop! Racism, discrimination and end the Vietnam War Now."
June 29
- Washington DC - The US Court of Military Appeals rules that it is illegal for GIs and officers to “fraternize”.
June 30
- 6 GIs are busted by MPs for distributing “subversive literature”, the Declaration of Independence.
July 19
- Darmstadt - 53 Black GIs march on the 93rd Signal Battalion Headquarters demanding the release of a brother in the stockade charged with “inciting a riot” after he was attacked by whites. The Brass busts 53 GIs but is later forced to release them because of mass protest on the base.
September 10
- Karlsrühe - 10 GIs at Grezewski Barracks arrested for mutiny because they had insisted their commanding officer leave a meeting they were holding the night before.
- GI acquitted of charges that he and 7 others had broken into the Offices of Honeywell Corporation the previous May. Their defense was based on international law, including the Nuremberg Principles.
September 15
- Following a picnic sponsored by a group of local anti war GIs, GIs from Fort Hood return to base in a 25 car motorcade. In a move to harass and intimidate them, police pull them over and arrest 34 people.
September 25
- Fulda, West Germany - 56 GIs arrested for participating in an "illegal formation".
September 27
- 3 sailors, on the USS Coral Sea, busted for possession of antiwar material.
October 2
- As part of the Stop Our Ship movement 9 sailors refuse to sail with the attack carrier Constellation bound for it’s 6th combat tour in South East Asia. All are busted and receive 30 days in jail.
- Iwakuni - Staff of GI paper Semper FI arrested for "aiding in the exposure of the presence of nuclear weapons on Iwakuni.".
November 1
- Chicopee - GI organizing center Off The Runway closed because of "health violations.".
November 6
- 18 crew men of Coast Guard cutter Confidence disciplined for their refusal to intercept the Greenpeace, which was headed to Amchitka to protest nuclear test.
November 21
- Mountain Home - The Covered Wagon coffee house destroyed by arson.
March 15
- Clark AFB - GI Center raided.
April 14
- Fort Sam Houston - 10 GI organizers arrested.
April 21
- Westover AFB - 125 arrested during civil disobedience demonstration; airmen leapt over fence to join demonstrators.
April 24
- Clark AFB - GI Center raided.
May 12
- Clark AFB - GI Center raided.
June 22
- Iwakuni - The Hobbit coffee house declared off-limits.
August 5
- Navy charge Jeff Alison with sabotaging the USS Forest al
September 12
- 5 supposed leaders of SOS (Stop Our Ship) escorted of USS Enterprise under armed guard moments before the ships departure for Vietnam.
October 31
- 200 dissident sailors transferred back to the United States from West Pac (off Vietnam) and Subic Bay.
- Court-martials of 23 sailors blamed for the rioting on the USS Kittyhawk, October 12.
December 7
- Jeff Allison convicted of sabotaging the USS Forest al in July 1972.