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Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
The GI Movement - Articles in GI Press Libraries
Army Flips (Vietnam GI, no. 1)
An Answer to a "Non-Announcement." (Top Secret , no. 3)
The Armed Forces and Resistance (pamphlet)
The Army is Out to get You (Last Harass, no. 1)
The Army is Revolting. (Fed Up!, December 1969)
Blueprint for Revolution (A'bout Face, no. 1 )
Call for GI Awareness (Broken Arrow, vol. 2, no. 2)
Camp Asaka, Japan -- No Longer a Good Dumping Ground For Dissident GIs (GI Press Service, vol. 2, no. 1)
Direct Work With GIs (RITA Bulletin, no. 39)
Do You Believe in Their Madness? (OM, no. 2)
Don't Be Scared of the Civilians (New Salute, October 1969)
Editorial (Vietnam GI, no. 1)
An Exciting Career Awaits You in the GI Movement (Pamphlet)
Fact Sheet on GI Dissent (Pamphlet, Servicemen's Link to Peace)
FED UP! Is written and edited by a group of Fort Lewis GIs who can no longer stand the oppression of the US military services. (Fed Up!, vol. 1, no. 1)
From Apathy to Action (Rough Draft, no. 1)
Fort Bragg Report (pamphlet)
Fort Lewis Collective (pamphlet)
Fort McClellan Report (pamphlet)
FTA (Vietnam GI, April 1968)
FTA-ers Freak out military (The Ally, no. 16)
GI Movement Spreads Across Us (WE GOT THE brASS (German Edition), no. 1)
The GI Movement Up To Today (P.E.A.C.E., no. 3)
GI Rights (The Green Machine, no. 1)
GI Struggle Against Oppression (Shakedown, vol. 1, no. 7)
GI Underground (The AWOL Press, no. 3)
GIs Organize (pamphlet)
GIs Against the War (Where It's At, vol. 1, no. 5)
GIs and the Antiwar Movement (G. I. Voice, no. 2-3)
GIs and the Right of Free Speech (Top Secret, no. 1)
GIs Constitutional Rights (Top Secret, no. 3)
GI's Fight Back (A Four Year Bummer, vol. 2, no. 7)
GI’s Fight Back (Task Force, no. 1)
Growth of GI Power (The Ally, no. 17)
How did the movement start here? (WE GOT THE brASS (German Edition), no. 3)
Interview With Vietnam Vet, Why I Joined the Anti-War Movement (Vietnam GI, June 1970)
It's Basic (Fed Up!, no. 1)
Join the Anti-War Movement (Top Secret, no. 2)
Join the GI Movement (Fatigue Press, Pamphlet 1970)
Know Your Rights! (Aboveground, vol. 1, no. 5)
Letter to Lt. General Lewis W. Walt (Up Front, no. 2)
Life in the American Military (Rough Draft, no. 1)
The Making of a Malcontent (Eyes Left, no. 7)
Oct. 12.1968. marked a new stage in the developing movement of GIs against the war in Vietnam. (Task Force, no. 4)
On GI-Civilian Solidarity (pamphlet)
On Going Underground (Counterpoint, vol. 2, no. 6)
Organizers Manual (pamphlet)
Our brothers in the active-duty G.I. Movement are now suffering some of the worst political repression this country has seen. (Reservists Committee To Stop The War Newsletter, no. 3)
Our role in the Movement. (Reservists Committee To Stop The War Newsletter, no. 4)
Peace is the GIs Cause (The Ally, no. 9)
The Power is Ours (Counter-Attack, no. 1)
The Presidio in Retrospect (GAF, no. 1)
Problems of GI organizing (Out Now, no. 2)
Provaucatehrs (Out Now, no. 1)
Repression and the GI Movement (pamphlet)
Resistance In the United States Armed Forces (Discussion Notes for Ritas and Fritas: Fall 1968)
Right to Resistance (USAF, no. 1)
"Riot Control?" - Hell No! (pamphlet)
Spirit of '69 (GAF, no. 1)
Strategy and Tactics of GI Organizing (pamphlet)
Terrorism and Harassment in San Diego (pamphlet)
They Can Jail a Revolutionary, But They Can't Jail the Revolution (Fed Up!, vol. 1, no. 3)
Together Action (About Face! The U.S. Servicemen's Fund Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 4 )
Unfair (Out Now, vol. 1, no. 4)
United We Win (Pay Back, vol. 1, no. 1)
War Protests at Air Bases (About Face! The U.S. Servicemen's Fund Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 1)
We Could Be So Good Together!!! (Last Harass, no. 6)
We’ve Got the Power (Broken Arrow, no. 2)
Who Am I? Where am I? What am I doing here? (A Four Year Bummer, vol. 2, no. 2)
Why Fight It? (Rough Draft, no. 3)
Why Us? (Up Against the Bulkhead, no. 1)
Women: Join the GI Movement. (Out Now, vol. 1, no. 4)