January 3 |
BBC begins broadcasting Open University classes |
January 4 |
Nixon declares that an end to the war is in sight. |
January 30 - April 6 |
Backed by US airpower and artillery, South Vietnamese troops invade Laos. |
January 31 - February 2 |
Winter Soldier Investigation - Detroit. |
February 16 |
FTA formed by Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland. |
March 1 |
Bomb explodes in Capitol men's room - Washington DC. The Weathermern claim responsibility. |
March 5 |
Pakistani army occupy East Pakistan |
March 8 |
Supreme Court rules that objection to a particular war not grounds for Conscientious Objector status. |
March 15 |
Billy Smith arrested and accused of fragging two officers at Bien Hoa. |
March 26 |
East Pakistan/Bangladesh declares its independence. |
March 29 |
Charles Manson sentenced to death. |
April 1 |
Nixon orders Lt. Calley be released pending his appeal. |
April 13 - 14 |
FTA Show performs at Haymarket Square coffee house (Cast includes Peter Boyle, Barbara Dane, Jane Fonda, Dick Gregory and Donald Sutherland). |
April 19 - 23 |
Operation Dewey Canyon III - Washington DC |
April 23 |
Dewey Canyon III ends with 800 veterans throwing their medals and citations onto a pile labeled “trash” on the steps of the US Capital building. |
April 24 |
Demanding “total and immediate withdrawal from Indochina”, 1000 active duty GIs lead an anti war protest march of 500,000 through the streets of Washington DC |
May |
Fort Hood GIs and staff of the Oleo Strut call for GIs to boycott the Tyrrell's jewelry store chain. |
Daniel and Phillip Berrigan indicted for conspiring to kidnap the President. |
May 5 |
Riot control units of the 82nd Airborne Division are deployed in Washington DC to “preserve law and order” as 50,000 anti war protestors descend on the Capital to “Stop the Government”. |
June 1 |
Tyrrell picketers arrested - Killeen. |
June 13 - 15 |
Excerpts from the Pentagon Papers published in the Mew York Times. |
June 18 |
Washington Post asked by the Nixon Administration to stop publishing excerpts from the Pentagon Papers |
June 27 |
Fillmore East closes in Neww York City. |
June 30 |
Supreme Court rules that the Nixon administration attempted injunction of the New York Times and Washington Post publishing excerpts from the Pentagon Papers was unconstitutional. |
July 1 |
The Pentagon reports that in 1970, nearly 1 out of every 12 (89,088) GIs deserted and 228,797 others went AWOL. |
July 17 |
Plumbers unit set up in the White House. |
August 9 |
British Army begins interning suspected terrorists without trial in Long Kesh Prison. |
August 18 |
Australia and New Zealand announce the withdrawal of their troops from Vietnaqm. |
September 26 |
Stop Our Ship Referendum - citizens of San Diego are asked to decide whether the USS Constellation should remain at homeport or sail for Vietnam. |
October 10 - 11 |
Combat refusal - Firebase Pace. |
October 25 |
Mass arrest of GIs, the staff of the Oleo Strut, including the director of Sir! No Sir!, and supporters for staging antiwar Veteran's Day demonstration - Killeen. |
November 3 |
Unix Programmers Manual published. |
December 3 |
War breaks out between India and Pakistan. |