January 19 |
GIs at Ft. Sam Houston publish a pro-Panther pamphlet, calling for "Black Power". |
January 20 |
Nixon is inaugurated as the 37th U.S. President |
January 30 |
The Beatles perform an impromptu concert on the roof of Apple Records |
January 31 |
Susan Schnall court martialled for actions which, the Navy said, would "impair the morale, loyalty and discipline of the members of the armed forces... conduct unbecoming an officer." |
February |
Student strikes and sit-ins - Berkeley, Harvard, Howard University, Penn State, Rice, University of Massachussetts, University of Wisconsin, University of Chicago |
February 4 |
Yasser Arafat appointed chairmaan of the Palestinian Liberation Organization |
February 5 |
Reagan declares a "State of Extreme Emergeny" in California. |
February 23 |
NVA launch co-ordinated attacks against more than 110 targets in South Vietnam |
March 1 |
Jim Morrison is arrested in Miami for exposing himself on stage. |
March 5 |
Senate Committee reports that in the year ending June 30 1968 “a GI deserted on average once every ten minutes” and a GI went AWOL approximately every 3 minutes. |
March 13 |
Senior US militry commanders order investigations into reports that the Black Panther Party might be organizing and recruiting among the troops in Vietnam. |
March 15 |
Presidio 27 demonstration in San Francisco, speakers include Susan Schnall and Terence Hallinan. |
March 17 |
Nixon authorizes the secret bombing of NVA targets inside Cambodia. |
March 28 |
Founders of The Shelter Half Coffeehouse arrested for "contributing to the delinquecy of a minor." |
President Eisenhower dies. |
April |
Armed Services Committee discloses that 53,357 servicemen have been classified as deserters. |
April 9 - 22 |
Student strike - Harvard. |
April 20 |
British troops arrive in Northern Ireland |
April 30 |
US troop levels in South Vietnam peak at 543,000 |
May |
GIs serving with the 101st Airborne, in Vietnam, publish Statement in Support of the Presidio 27 |
The New York Times breaks the story about the secret bombing of Cambodia. In response Nixon orders illegal wiretapping of journalists. |
May 4 |
Hal Muskat transferred from Fort Dix, to Fort Lee, for involvement in the distribution of underground newspapers on post. |
May 10 - 20 |
May 14 - 15 |
People's Park - Berkeley |
May 26 - June 2 |
John and Yoko stage "Bed-In" |
June 6 |
14 Presidio 27 defendants convicted at General court martial and sentenced to terms ranging from 3 to 15 months - Fort Ord. |
June 16 |
Jeff Sharlet dies of cancer in Miami. |
June 18 - 22 |
SDS National Conference in Chicago ends in chaos as the organization splits into two ideologially incompatable factions. |
June 20 |
Roger Priest charged with violating 14 specifications under 4 articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, for statements and articles published in the first 3 issues of OM. |
June 28 |
Stonewall Riots - New York |
July 8 |
First US troop withdrawal from South Vietnam. |
August 6 |
Howard Levy released on $1000 bond. |
August 9 |
Sp/4 Hal Muskat sentenced to seven months at Hard Labor for distributing an antiwar newspaper and “contemptuous utterings to the court”. |
August 9 |
Sharon Tate and 4 others are murdered by the Manson Family |
August 20 |
Bobby Seale arrested in Oakland for murder of Alex Rachey, charges were later dropped |
August 24 |
Combat Refusal - Company A of the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry. |
August 28 |
Ropger Priest ordered to stand trial. |
August 30 |
Fort Knox Coffeehouse opens |
September 2 |
Ho Chi Minh dies of a heart attack |
September 5 |
U.S. Army files murder charges against Lt. Calley |
September 11 |
Richard Chase refuses to participate in riot control training - Fort Hood. |
September 15 |
Friends of the Earth founded |
October 6 |
Weathermen blow up police statue in Haymarket Square - Chicago. |
October 15 |
First Moratorium Against the War |
November 3 |
In a speech to the nation, Nixon asks for the support of the "silent majority." |
November 15 |
2nd Moratorium - More than 250,000 protest the War in Washington DC |
December |
Gypsy Petersen cleared of all charges, dishonorably discharged and freed. |
December 1 |
First draft lottery since World War II held in New York. |
December 4 |
Fred Hampton and Mark Clark are murdered by the Chicago police. |
December 20 |
Pvt Richard Chase convicted and sentenced to two years hard labor at Leavenworth and Dishonorable Discharge. |
Dember 24 |
Rolling Stones free concert - Altamont |
December 27 - 30 |
Weatherman National War Council - Flint Michigan |