Library - Subjects
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Coffeehouses and other Anti-war Projects - Articles in GI Press Libraries
Projects (About Face! The U.S. Servicemen's Fund Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 1)
An Exciting Career Awaits You in the GI Movement (SOS, 1970)
USOs For Peace Are Coming (The Ally, no. 5)
Chicago Area Military Project
The Covered Wagon
- Covered Wagon Rolls (Helping Hand, no. 1)
- Visit From A Former P.O.W. George Smith (Helping Hand, no. 8)
The Echo Mike
- Who is the Echo Mike? (About Face, no. 1 )
Fort Dix Coffeehouse
- Ft. Dix Coffeehouse Bombing
- Let a Thousand Nuisances (Left Face, vol. 2, no. 1)
Fort Jackson GI Center
Fort Knox Coffeehouse
- Fort Knox Coffee House Bombed (Duck Power, vol. 1, no. 7)
- Fort Knox Report (pamphlet)
- GI Coffee House Opens (Fun Travel Adventure, vol. 2, no. 2)
- GI Coffeehouse Inquiry (Black Panther Paper, September 15 1969)
- Let a Thousand Nuisances (Left Face, vol. 2, no. 1)
- The Coffeehouse Story (Fun Travel Adventure, vol. 2, no. 3)
- Fact Sheet on GI Coffeehouse ( (Fun Travel Adventure, vol. 2, no. 7)
FTA Project
The Green Machine
- Comrades
- A New Kind of Green Machine (Attitude Check, vol. 1, no. 1)
Haymarket Square
The Homefront
- Army - Homefront Conspiracy (Aboveground, vol. 1, no. 6)
- Home Front (Aboveground, vol. 1, no. 2)
- On the Need for GI Organization - the ASU (Aboveground, vol. 1, no. 6)
The Left Flank
- Left Flank Coffeehouse Closes (CAMP News, vol. 1, no. 7)
Liberated Barracks GI Project
The Oleo Strut
- 9 Days in May (Flyer)
- 43 Black GI's Refuse Chicago Riot Duty (The Ally, no. 9)
- Coming Events at the Oleo Strut (Flyer)
- Fort Hood: Development of a Movement (The Ally, no. 12)
- Ft. Hood GI Haven (Space City News)
- History of the Oleo Strut (David Zeiger)
- Join the GI Movement (The Fatigue Press, Pamphlet 1970)
- The Oleo Strut (
The Guardian, July 30, 1968) - Oleo Strut - Staff Report
- A Report From The Oleo Strut (New SOS News, vol. 1, no. 4)
- The Strut Lives! (CAMP News, vol. 1, no. 7)
- Strut Staff Raps (Space City News)
Pentagon GI Coffeehouse
- Dear Sisters and Brothers ( Pentagon GI Coffeehouse, no. 1)
- Pentagon GI Coffeehouse Newsletter no. 1
The People's Place
- Left Flank Coffeehouse Closes (CAMP News, vol. 1, no. 7)
Potemkin Bookstore
The Shelter Half
- Army Moves on GI Coffeehouse (Black Panther Paper, December 27, 1969)
- A Report From Tacoma (New SOS News, vol. 1, no. 4)
- Friends (pamphlet)
- From the Shelter Half (pamphlet)
- Hands Off the Shelter Half (Fed Up!, vol. 1, no. 3)
- Politics are Off Limits for Ft. Lewis (Black Panther Paper, January 17, 1970 )
- An Exciting Career Awaits You in the GI Movement (pamphlet)
- From The UFO (appeal/newsletter)
- From the UFO GI Coffeehouse - Bust (pamphlet)
- GI Coffee House Suppressed (Black Panther Paper, February 7, 1970)
- Introduction to USSF (About Face! The U.S. Servicemen's Fund Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 4)
- Let a Thousand Nuisances (Left Face, vol. 2, no. 1)
- The UFO, a Coffeehouse (Flyer)
- UFO Flies too High (Aboveground, vol. 1, no. 6)