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Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Ft. Hamilton GIs United
The Ft. Hamilton GIs United appeared in July, 1970, essentially as an ad hoc group formed to discuss and express opinions on the whole range of social and political problems facing the United States today. The impetus for the formation of the group was the wave of repression and intimidation which began spreading through the Ft. Hamilton Complex in midsummer. Since the formation of the group was formally announced in the September issue of Xpress, support, interest, and sympathy has poured in from all the subposts of the Complex.
The FHGIU is be coming involved with other sectors of the peace movement, and projects are underway for the Fall protest. During the October l5 strike statements were sent out to various groups calling for support at the October 31 anti- war protest.
The FHGIU will be participating in the October 3l March and Rally against the War. A speaker will represent the group at the Bryant Park Rally, and the group will have a conspicuous part in the March itself.
In addition to this activity, the FHGIU is planning other events in late October and November. Among other things, this will include participation in various antiwar concerts and an antiwar arts festiva1.
Any inquiries and expressions of interest can be mailed to Fort Hamilton GIs United, P.O. Box ll, St. George Station, Staten Island, New York 10301.
XPress, no. 2