Library - Reading Room

Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!

Ft. Hamilton GIs Unite

Soldiers at Fort Hamilton have suffered long enough in their efforts to express themselves freely. Now in response to the intolerable harassment meted out by the Army for such actions, Fort Hamilton GIs have formed an association to secure and maintain the right to state publicly their political opinions.

Enlisted men and officers alike are invited to join Ft. Hamilton GI's United. The association will petition the Commanding General for permission to hold open meetings to discuss the war and the issue of GI rights. The association also published XPRESS and provides for the dissemination of materials from other antiwar groups. Ft. Hamilton GI's United may be contacted through P. O. Box 11, Staten Island, N. Y. 10301. Men of Tilden, Totten, Hancock, Wadsworth and Hamilton --- your freedoms are at stake and GI's United can help you keep them.







XPress, no. 1


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