Library - Reading Room
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Protests Rock Ft Hood, Viet Nam
When 43 black GI's at Ft. Hood, Texas refused to hoard planes for duty in Chicago guarding the Democratic Convention against anti-war protests, it seemed like a signal to set off the massive latent opposition throughout the armed forces. They were part of a larger group that staged an allnight sit-down at Fort Hood, and many are Vietnam returnees.
Almost a score of them have been court-martialed, some winning acquittal and the rest being sentenced to up to 6 months. Courts-martial continue. Messages of support and funds for their legal defense can be sent to: Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 25 East 26th St., New York City.
At least three major prison uprisings in Vietnam have left Most of the Long Binh Stockade burned down. At least one man was killed there and scores injured. Black GI's UPI reports, held one section of the stockade from the end of August to late September. Six of them are threatened with courtmartial on murder charges now.
Logistic, no. 1