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Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Great Lakes: MDM Wins First Round Of Jewelry Store Boycott
The new issue of NAVY TIMES ARE CHANGIN, the newspaper of Great Lakes MDM, called for a boycott of two local rip-off jewelry stores --Tyrell's and Hallmarks. The paper came out during the week of September 4, and picketting was to begin the next week. The boycott demands were the same as else where around the country--both Tyrell's and Hallmark's had used the same tactics of high pressure hawking and brass help in payments.
On Monday, Sept. 13, the manager of Great Lakes Tyrell's met with folks from the MDM staff and announced that Tyrell's had acceeded to the demands. Great Lakes TyreIl apparently never had a 'Vietnam Honor Roll'. They claim now to have stopped their aggressive sidewalk sales techniques, especially the prepared sales hustles that play on homesickness, love of mother, etc. They further claim that the manuals which describe how to give such raps have been called back and are no longer being used. A few sailors tested the promise and reported that, at least temporarily, Tyrell's Great Lakes is keeping its word. MDM is keeping constant watch and running periodic tests on the place. The general boycott of Tyrell's, however, is not now in effect.
The Hallmark boycott has begun and is continuing. On Thursday and Friday, Sept. 16 and 17, Halmark's was picketted from 7:00 to 10:00. Salesmen were out on the streets before the pickets arrived, but they left when the picketting began except to return periodically to verbally harass people without much success. Halmark's business is way down. On Thursday, only three people went into the store--one to return his purchase. On Friday, only four people entered the store.
The boycott is apparently affecting other stores on "The Strip' as well, although it is not known whether they are putting any pressure on Hallmark's. As far as the community goes, the most visible sign of support is from the police, who have taken no action against the pickets and who actually seem to be friendly towards the boycott. MDM plans to continue the boycott.
Camp News, vol. 2, no. 8