Library - Reading Room
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Soldiers Support Levy
Ft. Sill Okla - Six soldiers here have sent a message of support to Capt. Howard B. Levy at Ft. Jackson S.C. who is being court-maartialed for refusing to give medical instruction to Special Forces "aidmen".
They sent a telegram which said: "We support you in your courageous stand against America's dirty imprialist war in Vietnam. You have recognized that as a doctor your duty lies in healing the sick, not in training Gestapo-like Green Beret killers. We wish you luck in your traaial and hope others will follow your example."
The letter was signed by Sp/5 Paul J. Gaedtke, Pvt. A. D. Stapp, Sp/4 Richard Wheaton, Pvt. Stan Ingerman, PFC T. E. O'Reilly, and Pvt. J. R. Wood.
The Bond, no. 1