Library - Reading Room
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Resistance In The Military
The growing antiwar activity of GIs is now a major concern to the brass and the politicians. Rebel GI newspapers and newsletters are part of the overall rebellion --an important part.
Soldier-edited underground newspapers are appearing on military bases this spring faster than the armed forces can keep track of them. The most aggressive of the papers are known to be circulating at Fort Jackson, SC., Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, Ky., Fort Bliss and Fort Hood, Tex., Fort Gordon, Ga., Fort Sheridan, Ill., Fort Devens, Mass., Fort Lewis and McCord Air Force Base, Wash., the Marine Corps base at Camp Le Jeune, NC., Fort Belvoir, Va., and the complex of Army and Navy installations around Norfolk, Va. Fort Dix, NJ. has two of them.
The antiwar GI newspapers are being taken to barbershops, smuggled into service clubs, post exchanges, company day rooms, laundries and even barrack latrines.
For many GIs it is their first contact with the US antiwar movement, albeit the latest “in” form of resistance.
Each of the papers emphasize, usually under the masthead, that the military authorities have no legal right to confiscate it There have been reports of confiscation of some copies though the brass have yet to ban any of the papers.
The American Exile in Canada, no. 15