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Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Nam GIs Resisting
Recently the Ally received reports of extensive resistance against the military and brass in several areas of RVN. To date, more than 600 separate acts by GI are supposed to have taken place since last February. Following are some of the more significant ones brought to our attention.
On February 20, members of a battalion of the US 9th Inf. Div., stationed in Me Tho province, refused to be shipped as reinforcements to Saigon. The next day, a company of the same division, and another unit located at XuanThuan, refused to take part in a clearing operation along National highway 4, in that province.
June 8, more soldiers refused to be sent as replacements to Saigon. It is reported that not a single GI ordered for shipment from the US encampment at Duyen Dies village boarded any of the five helicopters sent there to take them.
Just four days later, the US base camp at La Khe was up against the wall. After 10 GIs refused an order to go to battle, they were dragged one by one aboard waiting transport planes. However, they were able to force open the doors before the planes could take off. June 13, sixty-eight other troops had joined their protest. Allegedly two ring leaders were shot dead as as example to the others.
Another occurrence during July involved two GIs stationed in the capitol city of Long Khanh province. A source Indicated that the GIs set off a land mine which killed 11 American officers and enlisted men.
It has been difficult for the Ally to determine the reliability of these and other such reports. We call on our readers, particularly In Vietnam. to confirm or deny the stories. Perhaps you have knowledge of other such activities. Please help us spread the word,
The Ally, no. 11