Library - Reading Room
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
Getting The Brass Uptight
Pvt. Andy Stapp, of Ft. Sill, Okla, who was court-martialled twice during his hitch for antiwar organizing, got an undesirable discharge. A week later he was arrested in New York at an antiwar rally. Another Ft. Sill organizer, Pvt. Paul Gaedtke (who repeatedly used his stockade time to pass out antiwar literature to fellow inmates) got an undesirable discharge. PO3 Dennis Cieslski was sentenced to a year at hard labor and given a bad conduct discharge for refusing to board a vietnam bound ship. George Edwards, a black GI stationed at Langley AFB, was given a year and a dishonorable discharge for vrefusing to go. George told the court that money spent on the war should be used to improve the lot of black Americans.
The Ally, no. 5