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Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
1,000 GIs March In Killeen
On Saturday, May 16, a thousand people marched through the streets of Killeen to protest the war. In the march, the first of its kind for Ft. Hood., the following demanda were raised: U.S. Out of Southeast Asia Now!; Free Bobby Seale and all Political Prisoners; and Avenge the Dead of Kent State, Jackson State, and Augusta. Despite moves by the brass and the city of Killeen to sabotage the march, some 800-1,000 demonstrators marched in the streets end a nearly equal number of supporters followed the parade on the sidewalks. At least 80% of the demonstrators were GIs, many of whom were Vietnam vets. The signs end banners carried by the marchers proclaimed the three official demands of the demonstration, as well as other demands such as, "Free Richard Chase", and "End Riot Control." Throughout the march GIs chanted militant slogans and celled to those on the sidewalk to join them. The march had started at the Oleo 8trut with about 400 people, but by the time it turned the corner at the Arcade, the number in the parade had nearly doubled! The march route covered 15 blocks of the downtown area and terminated at the rally site in a nearby park. Speakers at that rally included Dave Cline, a Vietnam, vet who works at the Oleo Strut; John Korsedal, an active-duty GI organizer; and Tom Gregory and Steve Preasley, black GIs active in building a movement at Ft. Hood. The speeches talked of the growing GI movement at Hood and of the possibilities of future actions in Killeen and on post. The demonstrators responded to the speeches with loud cheering and raised flats, a spirit of militancy that characterized the entire day. Everyone understood that May 16 was the first time GIs at Fort Hood had stood together and that a process had been set in motion which could well prove to be unstoppable.
The Fatigue Press, no. 23