Library - Reading Room
Supporting Materials for Sir! No Sir!
On July 15th 1968, eight young men publicly announced their resignations from the Armed Forces of the United States. Soon after beginning a 48-hour service of liberation and communion, the eight were joined by a ninth, Oliver Hirsch. They soon became known as The Nine For Peace.
All nine had been absent without leave for periods of eleven days to several months -- -- Jack Robinson from the Marine Corps, Oliver from the Air Force, Dale Herrin and Paul Howard from the Navy, and Chuck Jones, George Dounis, Keith Mather, James Seymour, and Steve (Sunny) Anderson from the Army.
During the entire service, which began at the Howard Presbyterian Church in San Francisco and ended in St. Andrew's United Presbyterian Church in Mann City, Calif., each of the nine men was chained to a priest or minister who wished to stand together with the Nine in resistance and in brotherhood. Hundreds of friends joined in the service to show their support, and have maintained an around-the-clock vigil outside the Presidio Army base ever since.
On the morning of July 17th at the close of the service, The Nine For Peace were arrested by the military police and placed in stockades and brigs at Camp Pendleton Marine Base, Hamilton Air Force Base, Treasure Island Naval Base, Presidio Army Base, and Fort Ord Army Base. As of the time of publication, all are still awaiting court-martials.
The Nine For Peace (pamphlet)