PFC George Daniels and Cpl. William L. Harvey are prisoners of the military dictatorship.
In a fantastic frame-up that has been hidden since last year by the military and the press as well, the -two were 134 with a violation of section 2387 of the Federal Criminal Code which says it is a crime to ''advise, counsel, urge, cause and attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty and refusal of duty by the members of the armed forces.''
("Refusal of duty'' means refusal to kill Vietnamese for the money-men.)
Harvey and Daniels were convicted for taking part in barracks discussion and saying that black men should not be fighting in a white man's war against Vietnam.
Marine Brass charged them and then advised them not to get a civilian lawyer. ''Just let us handle it quietly and you'll get off easier " was their story. The two black Marines agreed. They accepted an officer as their defense attorney.
Then at this quietly arranged kangaroo court they got a nightmarish double cross - 10 YEARS FOR DANIELS! 6 YEARS FOR HARVEY!
They are now being held at the Naval Disciplinary Barracks at Portsmouth, N.H. Their case is being appealed by Melvin L. Wulf of the American Civil Liberties Union. The story of this incredible frame-up must be taken to the American people.
The Bond, vol. 2, no. 6